fredag den 4. oktober 2013


Hey again everyone! 
Most of you probably know what POCKY is, but for those who have no clue, i can say it is a snack, from Asia, mainly in japan, it is a bred with a coat of different candy flavors from chocolate to strawberry and many many more. as this is one of my favorite snacks, i can promise you, this is not the last you have seen of them. on this blog! 

Usually pocky is quite small, but a very dear friend of  mine sent me these. GIANT pocky sticks, to show and to review! 
The difference between the Giant pocky pack and a classic pack of pocky


So lets get started! 

I forgot to inclue blueberry in the picture ;_; Sorry!

The Chocolate Pocky is like any other chocolate classic pocky i have tasted before
i must admit the bigger bred stick makes it a tad more dry, and the taste of chooclate a little less intense. But it is a delicious snack, as always!10/10

The Orange Pocky had a very intense scent when i opened it's wrapping. and as expected
it had the same intense taste of oranges, though it did have a tint of sweet sugary taste, it didn't have that bitter sour taste oranges would normally have. 
i like it, but i wouldn't eat this one in a pack with only orange. 

GREEN TEAWoah! i must say! i am a big fan of Green Tea, but mostly as a hot beverage, or mixed in my 
Bubble tea. But this, i simply cannot put my fingers on how i feel about this one. 
It does taste like green tea! Exactly like green tea! not a sweet spin off to it. but it has the exact bitter taste as green tea does.  i'd say, if you love Green tea, this one is for you, but if you are like me not so fond of it, when it's everyting else then tea. pick another flavor!4/10

BANANAI was very excited for this one, because i must admit! Banan is amongst one of my top favorite pockys! and just as expected, it had a sweet intense smell of Banana, and the taste was both sweet and very fresh. it's hard to explain this taste, because it truly is a either, love or hate it taste.  if you are a fan of banana flavor in different candies and sweets. you are going to love this one! 10/10

This one is very close to the classic strawberry, when it comes to taste. but it does have a more bitter side to it, it is bitter sweet, and the taste is very classic blue berry-ish. id say, if you think Strawberry is too sweet, try this flavor instead! if this one is too dark, you'll like strawberry more! 8/10

This is a stick i will never get tired of! it's like the classic pocky stick just bigger, and the only personal complain i have about this one, is that the layer of strawberry isn't thicker. i really like it.  it's sweet, but not too sweet, it's soft and its melty. i can't say anyting bad about this one, because it is my top favorite! 10/10

The title definitely makes someone think "How can milk taste good on a stick"  and well the answer is simple, it does not taste like milk! this stick is more of a vanilla blend, if you remember the taste of the white fudge inside the two chocolate cakes of a Kinder Milk Slice, then there you have it. it is a simple but very delicious taste, also one of my favorites. 9/10

Hope you liked this little Review!


As i love Fanta, i was pretty excited to get this from the mail man this morning. I have never tasted it before. In Denmark we only have the basic Fanta and the Exotic.
So first of all, the bottle is dark purple as you can see on the picture, with the well known fanta logo.
It says Natural Flavors, which is great!
The flavor is Mango & passion Fruit.
and as i love both i was very excited to taste this one.
It has a very VERY sweet taste to it, but it seems a bit more thin/watery then the classic and the Exotic.
But put that aside, it is not a bad taste at all, it is fresh and fruity, though i can't really taste the mango, the passion fruit taste is definitely there, and very dominating,
I think it is a drink one will have to learn to love. it isn't bad, quite the opposite. but it is a taste i will need to get used to. though if we got it in stores here, i would drink it again for sure!
On a scale from 1-10, ill give it 8

Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Rina  and i live in Denmark.
My Whole live i have had a soft spot for Sweets, and loved to try new and different types of candy.
I always found myself grow boring of the same types of candy over the years.
And since Denmark isn't exactly the biggest producer of sweets (Besides our many famous Chocolates: TOMS, and Danishes)
I began to go beyond boarders to try different candies, and sweets. Sadly i never noted down my thoughts on them.
Which i think is about time to do now.
Better to late then never right?
Welcome and i hope you enjoy my many to come Reviews on different Candies and sweets from across the world.